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WHEREAS religious leaders seek to promote various universal values, including love, justice, and truth; and


WHEREAS religious leaders throughout history have spoken out on moral issues; and


WHEREAS the official account of 9/11 has been shown by scientists and professionals in relevant fields to be false beyond a reasonable doubt; and


WHEREAS the official account of 9/11 has been used as a pretext for wars that have killed and maimed millions of innocent people and caused enormous ecological damage to our planet; and


WHEREAS the official account of 9/11 has been used to increase military spending and thereby to withhold needed spending for health, education, welfare, infrastructure, and the environment; and


WHEREAS the official account of 9/11 has been used to indict Islam as an inherently violent religion and to justify discrimination against Muslims and attacks on Muslim countries; and


WHEREAS the official reports about 9/11 have been produced by individuals closely affiliated with, or even employed by, the Bush administration;


THEREFORE we, the members of Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, ask President Obama to authorize a new, truly independent, investigation into the attacks of 9/11 immediately, because such an investigation is long overdue, being owed to the 9/11 families, the American people, and the peoples of the world---especially the peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq.


The following are individual statements and endorsements which do not necessarily represent the whole religious affiliation without further consideration.

151 Religious Leaders have already signed the petition


Jim Ackerman
Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies
Indiana University, Bloomington  Click here to see statement.


Robert H. Adams
United Methodist Church
Retired Pastor


Rev. Ian Alterman
Non-Denominational Christian      
Pastor, Spirit Fellowship Ministries
Disaster Chaplain through NYDIS (NY Disaster Interfaith Services)


Thomas Altizer
PhD University of Chicago
Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the State University of New York at Stony Brook


Thomas E. Ambrogi
Progressive Christians Uniting, Past Board Member


Fred H. Anderson
Presbyterian Church USA
Honorably Retired Clergy


Gary G. Arndt
Retired Pastor
United Church of Christ  Click here to see statement.


Mahmoud Ayoub

Faculty associate professor of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at the Hartford Seminary

Hartford, Connecticut

Professor Emeritus at Temple University.


Byron C. Bangert
Presbyterian Minister/Research Scholar/Columnist/Ethics Consultant
Member, Presbytery of Ohio Valley
Adjunct Faculty Member, Indiana University


Nabil A. Bayakly, Ph.D.

Muslims in Memphis, Tn. Chairman  Click here to see statement.


Joseph D. Bennett
Presbyterian Minister
Hospice Chaplain     Click here to see statement.


Ruth L. Billington
Retired Clergy, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbytery of Plains and Peaks, CO.  Click here to see statement.


Rev. James D. (Danny) Borkowski
Retired Priest
Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East   Click here to see statement.


Archbishop Robert M. Bowman, Ph.D.
Primate, United Catholic Church
and Bishop Protector, Society of Blessed John XXIII   Click here to see statement.


Donna Brooke
Druid Priestess in Britain
Archdruidess of the Glastonbury Order of Druids


Karin Brothers

Co-chair of World Affairs

Committee of the United Church of Canada's Toronto Conference.


Raymond Kay Brown
Presbyterian Church USA
Retired Pastor


Robert Browne
United Presbyterian Church
Retired  minister and governing body executive  Click here to see statement.


Marilyn Brunger
Elder in Presbyterian Church
Past Moderator of United Church of Christ Local Church


Rev. Roger S. Burkhart
United Church of Christ
Chair of the Spirituality and Earth Stewardship Committee of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ

Click here to see statement.


Marion Burton
United Church of Christ
Local Church Circle Leader


Ignacio Castuera
United Methodist Minister
Trinity United Methodist Church
Pomona, CA.


Rev. Donald F. Chatfield
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Professor Emeritus of Preaching, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary


Rev. Judith Lane Chatfield
United Church of Christ      
Retired Minister and Teacher 


Dr. Carol P. Christ
Leader in the Women's Spirituality/Goddess/Ecofeminst Movement
Ph.D. in Religion from Yale


Elizabeth J. Clarke
United Methodist Church      
Retired Missionary


John B. Cobb, Jr.

PhD, Professor Emeritus of Theology

Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, California


David D. Cockcroft
Presbyterian minister   Click here to see statement.


George Crowell
Professor, retired, Social Ethics in the Department of Religious Studies,
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Lifetime member, Society of Christian Ethics
Convener, Monetary Policy Interest Group, Society of Christian Ethics    Click here to see statement.


Rev. Dr. Richard Curtis
Professor of Philosophy and Theology     
Seattle, WA.


James Douglass
Catholic Worker, writer
Mary's House, Birmingham, Alabama


Rev. Martin Edward Duffield
Presbyterian Church of Australia
Pastor        Click here to see statement.


Rev. Marvin M. Ellison, Ph.D.
Willard S. Bass Professor of Christian Ethics
Bangor Theological Seminary
Portland, Maine


Gracia Fay Ellwood
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Orange Grove Monthly Meeting, Pasadena, California.
Editor of THE PEACEABLE TABLE, project of the Animal Kinship Committee 
MA , University of Chicago Divinity School
PhD in the philosophy of religion from Claremont Graduate University    Click here to see statement.


Judith L. Favor
Retired Pastor


Loren R. Fisher
Retired professor of Hebrew Bible (The School of Theology at Claremont)
Affiliated with The Disciples of Christ 
Author of 9 books since 2000. Click here to see statement.


James A. Fiske
United Methodist Church   
Missionary and Pastor


William F. Fore, Ph.D.
President Emeritus                                                        
World Association for Christian Communication


James H. Gailey
Professor Emeritus  
A Protestant Theological Seminary  Click here to see statement.


Rev. Dr. Sue Gallagher
United Church of Christ
Retired Pastor


David L. Garshaw
Disciples of Christ
Pastor, First Christian Church
Portsmouth, Ohio


Noel Glynn
Elder of Streatham Local Meeting, South London Area Meeting, Britain Yearly Meeting

The Rev. Dr.  Helen Goggin
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Minister, Professor Emerita, Religious Education, Knox College

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Click here to see statement.


Sharon R. Graff
Pastor and Teacher
Redlands United Church of Christ, Redlands, CA
MA Claremont School of Theology; D.Min. San Francisco Theological Seminary


Tom Graham
Ordained Buddhist priest with the Center for American Buddhist Practice
Co-founder of Center for American Buddhist Practice
Translator of many Buddhist texts from Chinese to English
Buddhist teacher for many years in San Diego


Dr. Herman Greene
United Church of Christ
Ordained Minister     


David Ray Griffin

PhD, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Religion and Theology

Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University

Claremont, California.


Rev. Virginia B. Hall
Episcopal priest
Assistant to the Rector, Trinity Church
Bloomington, IN.
Board member of New Leaf/ New Life Prison Ministry  Click here to see statement.


Grace Hansen
Center for American Buddhist Practice
Senior Buddhist Priest
San Diego, California     Click here to see statement.


Rebecca Hardcastle

Ordained Elder in United Methodist Church


Ruth Harris
United Methodist Church
International Mission Staff (Retired)

Rev. Wayne (Chris) Hartmire
Retired Pastor
Former Executive Director of California Migrant Ministry & National Farmworker Ministry, 1961-1981


Dimitrios Hatgistavrou
Greek Orthodox Church
Past President of Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons (6 years) - presently Vice-President


Shaikh Kabir Helminski
Sufi leader and author


Dan Hennen
Endowment Committee Member and Chief Usher

St. Paul Lutheran Church

Jordan, MN

Dwight Hoelsher

United Church of Christ

Retired Minister


Carolyn Horvath
Interdenominational and Interfaith
Co-Director of Hope House of Prayer  Click here to see statement.


Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

President emeritus and William E. Dodge Professor of Social Ethics emeritus
Union Theological Seminary New York, NY
Ordained minister of the United Church of Christ


Norman W. Jackson
United Church of Christ
Retired theological educator
Former leader of  Council for American Indian Ministry

Robin Jarrell
Episcopal Priest serving at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church

Sunbury, PA., Diocese of Central PA. Click here to see statement.


Beth Johnson
Minister, Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Vista, CA
M.Div., D. Min, Claremont School of Theology. Click here to see statement.


Dorothy E. Jones
United Methodist Church       
Retired Missionary


Rev. Dr. Neal Jones
Minister of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Columbia, SC.
Master of Divinity , Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, Baylor University.  Click here to see statement.


Richard E. Keady

Coordinator, Comparative Religious Studies Program

San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.
Faculty member in the Comparative Religious Studies Program at San Jose State University since 1972. Click here to see statement.


Canon Brian Scott Kelley
Retired Canon for Social Action
St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral
Boston , MA.  Click here to see statement.


Carol Kelling C.S.
Christian Science Practitioner
Phoenix, Oregon   Click here to see statement.


Dr. Faiz Khan, M.D.

Founding member of American Sufi Muslim Association
Assistant imam at Islamic Center of Long Island
Co-founder of the Muslim - Jewish - Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth


Bob Kinsey
Retired Clergy, United Church of Christ.  
Rocky Mountain Conference
Long term Chair of the Peace and Justice Task Force   Click here to see statement.


Rev. Paul Kittlaus
United Church of Christ
Pastor, organizer and author


Rev. Thomas Klein
Orthodox Christian Priest
South Central PA. 

Reverend Rich Lang

Trinity United Methodist Church

Seattle, Washington


Rev. Dr. Werner Lange
Doctor of Ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary in 1994
Ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the United Church of Christ in 1996
Pastor of two UCC churches until 2003   
Professor of religion and society at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Active in interfaith peace activities


Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton, Ph.D.
Faculty, Loyola University Chicago, Theology Dept.
Graduate Theological Union
Dharma Teacher,
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate


Rev. Mark S. Lemon
Anglican Church Priest


Thomas J. Leonhardt
non-mainline Christian
Pastor of Emmaus Community
Co-Director Hope House of Prayer, Inc.
Mentor Teacher Dances of Universal Peace
Spiritual Director
Cleveland, Ohio, USA  Click here to see statement.


Bishop Ioan Lightoller
Bishop of the Friends Community Catholic Church
(Old Catholic jurisdiction in the United States)   Click here to see statement.


Rev. John-Otto Liljenstolpe
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Ordained minister   Click here to see statement.


Dennis Linn
Author, Retreat Leader
Re-Member Ministries
M. of Divinity  Click here to see member statement.


Matt Linn, S. J.
Catholic priest
Author, Retreat Leader
Re-Member Ministries  Click here to see statement.


Sheila Linn
Author, Retreat Leader
Re-Member Ministries
M. of Divinity  Click here to see statement.


Davidson Loehr

First Unitarian Universalist Church

Austin, Texas.


Jeffery D. Long
Professional Scholar of and Theologian within the Hindu tradition
Frequent Educator to the larger American community on Hinduism
Elizabethtown College

Elizbabethtown, PA  Click here to see member statement.


Sandra Lubarsky
Jewish theologian and Professor of Religious Studies
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.


Father Lawrence Lucas
Roman Catholic priest
Deputy Director, City of NY Correction Department


Graeme MacQueen, PhD
Retired Professor, Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Founding Director of McMaster Centre for Peace Studies
Member of the Movement for a Socially Engaged Buddhism
Author and Speaker on 9/11 Research Topics   Click here to see statement.


Rev. Dr. Kenneth MacQueen
Former President Huntington University
Former Principal Vancouver School of Theology

Terri Mansfield

Lay leader

Madonna Ministry


Rollo Maughfling
Archdruid of Stonehenge and Britain


Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
Catholic Priest
Former Spiritual Director and Rector of St. Gregory the Theologian Byzantine Catholic Melkite Seminary
Retreat Director, Author and Lecturer on the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels and His Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies for 45 years  Click here to see statement.


Dr. Jay McDaniel
United Methodist Church
Professor and Author


James M. McLachlan

Professor Philosophy and Religion, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
President, Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology

Co-Chair Mormon Studies Consultation, American Academy of Religion


Dr. Stuart D. McLean
Presbyterian USA
Professor emeritus, Ethics and Theology,  Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, OK.


Sarah McMahan
Spiritual director, retreat leader, member of an alternative Catholic faith community and a participant in the local Friends group and the local ministerial alliance     Click here to see statement.


Dan Metzger
Unitarian Universalist
Chaplain, eldercare facility in Chicago suburbs
Master of Divinity degree, University of Chicago


Thomas L. Milligan
M.Div., Methodist Theological School in Ohio, 1975


Anselm Min
Professor of Religion
Claremont Graduate University


Father Frank Morales

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

New York City, New York.


William Moremen
United Church of Christ                                         
Retired Pastor


Rev. Roger Morimoto
Pastor,  Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Palo Alto, California Click here to see statement.


Beth Mueller
United Methodist Church
Seminary student
Elders orders


The Rev.Dr. Leslie A. Muray
Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Curry College, Milton ,MA
Associate Priest at Trinity Episcopal Church, Canton, MA  Click here to see statement.


Rev. Dr. Kyle Nash

Unitarian Universalist

Medical educator  Click here to see statement.


Richard M. Nelson
Presbyterian Church - USA
Minister of Word and Sacrament
Retired Minister,  PCUSA   Click here to see statement.


Sr. Axel Árnason Njarðvík
National Church of Iceland
Distric pastor for Southern Iceland


Daniel Noel
Unitarian Universalist
Adult Education Leader
Coordinator of 9/11 Truth group,
Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, Costa Mesa, CA.


Don Nofziger
Retired Mennonite pastor  Click here to see statement.

Reverend David Oliver-Holder

Presbyterian Minister
Bayfield Presbyterian Church
Bayfield, Wisconsin


Carolyn Olney
Pasadena First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
M. Div., Urban Ministry, Claremont School of Theology


Rev. Dr. Judith E. O’Neill
Presbyterian and United Church of Christ                 
Retired Campus Minister


Andrew Sung Park
Professor of Theology
United Theological Seminary
Dayton, Ohio
Author   Click here to see statement.


Patricia Patterson
United Methodist Church
Retired Mission Executive, Local Church Member


Lynda H. Peterson
United Methodist Church
Lay Member to the North Georgia Annual Conference
Lay Leader,  Cumberland United Methodist Church     Click here to see statement.


Father Stephan Petrovich
Retired Archbishop of Ohio and Midwest
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church of North and South America     Click here to see statement.


Peter Phippen
JoyFull Ministries
M.A., B.A.   Click here to see statement. 

Reverend Åke Pilblad
Church of Sweden
Evangelical Lutheran, Retired Minister

Jorge (George) Pixley

Professor of Bible with Ph.D. from the Univ. of Chicago Divinity School (1968),

Retired Baptist minister, Served in Latin America, including Puerto Rico, Mexico, Argentina and Nicaragua


Elenore R. Powell
United Church of Christ
Committee Chair


Rev. Don Prange
United Church of Christ
Minister at St. James UCC
Lovettsville, Va.    Click here to see statement.


Bruce Prescott
Mainstream Baptist
M. of Divinity, PhD Philosophy, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Executive Director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists
Norman, Oklahoma


Edith Rasell

United Church of Christ

Minister for Economic Justice


Gene Reeves
Special Minister, International Buddhist Congregation
Tokyo, Japan

Former head of Meadville Lombard Theological School.


Marlene Reichmuth
Past Board Member of Pecos Benedictine Community


John Rempel
Professor of theology
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Elkhart, IN. 46517     Click here to see statement.


Georg Retzlaff
Episcopal Church
Rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church, Cayce, SC.     Click here to see statement.


Sr. Megan Rice
Catholic Sister of the Holy Child Jesus
Active peacemaker who is working to end nuclear weapons and war


Leigh M. Roberts
United Methodist
Lay member of Wisconsin Annual Conference
Local church council member


Frank Rogers, Jr.
Faculty member, Claremont School of Theology


Rev. Dr. Pete Sabey
Presbyterian and United Church of Christ
Retired Campus Minister


Reverend Paul W. Sawyer
Unitarian Universalist minister
Pasadena, CA

Steven Schemahorn
Non-denominational Christian

Associate Pastor, Beacon Church
Jackson, Michigan

Myron Schrag
Retired Mennonite Pastor


Keith Schroerlucke
United Methodist Church
Active Clergy
Madison, WI


Rob Shaw
Former Deacon of Laird Street Baptist Church, Birkenhead, UK
Moderator for 911forum.org.uk

Click here to see statement.


John A. Shuck
Active Clergy
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
Portland, Oregon  Click here to see statement.


T. Richard Snyder, Ph.D.
Academic Dean, Bangor Theological Seminary
Professor Emeritus, New York Theological Seminary


Sung Jacob Song

Independent Minister

PhD Claremont School of Theology  Click here to see statement.


Anne Stokes
United Church of Christ
Past Board Member of Childrens' Ministry


Lou Stolzenberg

Past Chair, Church and Society work group, First United Methodist Church,

Madison, WI.

Coordinator for Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth


Pia Struck
Asatru  (Ethnic Religion of Denmark)
Priestess in the congregation Harreskovens Blótgilde, Copenhagen, Denmark
Congregation is a member of the World Congress of Ethnic Religion.

Click here to see statement.


Douglas Sturm

United Methodist Church
Professor Emeritus, Religion & Political Science, Bucknell University
Former chair, editorial board, Journal of Law and Religion
Former president, Society of Christian Ethics. Click here to see statement.


Robert Desmarais Sullivan
Moderator of the Social Justice Team
First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans


Anthony Thomsen
Seventh-Day Adventist
Chaplain & Pastor    Click here to see statement.


Michelle Tooley
Ordained Baptist minister
Eli Lilly Professor of Religious Ethics at Berea College     Click here to see statement.


Father Marek S. Tuptynski
Roman Catholic priest
Pastor of St. Patrick Church in Somerset, MA


Elton Tylenda
Former teacher, Interfaith House, Chicago, Illinois

Teacher of Peace from faith perspectives
Master of Divinity degree from Chicago Theological Seminary  Click here to see statement.


Father Benjamin J. Urmston, S. J.

PhD Peace Studies, Xavier University

Cincinnati, Ohio. Click here to see statement.


Audrey W. Vincent

Minister Emerita, Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah

M. Div., D. Min., Claremont School of Theology, 1986.

Attended College of Divinity, Univ. of Aberdeen and served as an intern Minister at the Unitarian Church in Edinburgh

Click here to see statement.


Rev. Michelle A. Walsh
Unitarian Universalist and Buddhist
Affiliate Community Minister
United First Parish Church (Unitarian Universalist)
Quincy, MA.  Click here to see statement.


Mark Carden Whitley
Presbyterian Church
Elder & Stephen Ministry Leader   Click here to see statement.


Robert D. Williams
United Methodist Church
Retired Pastor
Past chair of a division of the Iowa Conference Board of Church and Society
Leadership experience in worship, missions, and ecumenism   Click here to see statement.


Walter Wink, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Biblical Interpretations

Auburn Theological Seminary, New York,  N.Y.


Rev. Hal Woods
Episcopal Church Priest
Retired Rector,  All Saints Episcopal Church, South Burlington, Vermont    Click here to see statement.