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Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
Catholic Priest
Former Spiritual Director and Rector of St. Gregory the Theologian Byzantine Catholic Melkite Seminary
Retreat Director, Author and Lecturer on the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels and His Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies for 45 years

Statement of Rev. Charles McCarthy

"There exists a prior moral obligation, and a grave one at that, to seek the truth and to adhere to it once it is known. All human beings desire to know, and truth is the proper object of this desire. People cannot be genuinely indifferent to the question of whether what they know is true or not. One may define the human being, therefore, as the one who seeks the truth. The thirst for truth is so rooted in the human heart that to be obliged to ignore it would cast our existence into jeopardy." —John Paul II, Fides et Ratio