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Gracia Fay Ellwood

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Orange Grove Monthly Meeting, Pasadena, California

Editor of THE PEACEABLE TABLE, project of the Animal Kinship Committee 

MA , University of Chicago Divinity School

PhD in the philosophy of religion from Claremont Graduate University

Statement of Gracia Fay Ellwood

"I knew David Griffin as my dissertation advisor at Claremont Graduate University, and thus have much first-hand knowledge that his is a mind of extraordinary power, discipline, and courage in dealing with unconventional evidence. I can testify that his voice deserves to be heard.  

We want to live in hope and look to the future. But if we look away from amassed evidence of past murder because the apparent perpetrators are still-powerful and prominent people, we set a precedent for a very bleak future when another crisis comes.

As George Orwell said, 'In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.' "